JUMP TOAuthenticationIdentity and AccessGet access tokenpostAuditAuditSearch audit eventspostContextContext ManagementGet metadata for all existing context tablesgetCreate a context table with metadatapostGet metadata for a single context tablegetDelete a specific context tabledeleteTrack ingestion progressgetGet attributes for a specific table typegetGet table records by IDgetAdd context records to an existing table from a CSV filepostAdd context records to an existing tablepostCorrelation RulesCorrelation RulesGet a list of all correlation rulesgetCreate a new correlation rulepostGet correlation rule detailsgetUpdate a correlation ruleputDelete a correlation ruledeleteSet the state of a correlation rulepostSet the state of a correlation rule listpostDelete a list of correlation rulespostMitreMITRE ATT&CK®Get entire MITRE ATT&CK® techniques and related sub-techniquesgetSearchSearchSearch for eventspostSite CollectorsCoresGet Site Collector listgetCreate a new Site Collector instancepostGet Site Collector Core detailsgetUpdate Site Collector Core detailsputUpgrade a Site Collector Core versionputUninstall an existing Site Collector instanceputStop a Site Collector Core and all associated collectorsputRestart or start a Site Collector Core and all its CollectorsputGet installation logs for a Site Collector CoregetGet the installation command for a Site Collector CoregetDownload a Site Collector Core certificategetAgentsGet a list of Site Collector agentsgetCreate a Site Collector agentpostGet a Site Collector agent installation commandpostGet a Site Collector agent uninstallation commandpostGet details about a Site Collector agentgetUpdate a Site Collector agentputDelete a Site Collector agentputRestart a Site Collector agentputStop a Site Collector agentputUpgrade a Site Collector agentputTemplatesCreate a new Site Collector templatepostRetrieve the configuration for a Site Collector agent by template IDgetUpdate a Site Collector templateputThreat CenterAlertsSearch for alertspostGet alert detailsgetUpdate alert detailspostGet threat summarypostCasesSearch for casespostGet case detailsgetUpdate case detailspostCreate a new casepostUse CasesUse CasesGet a list of all use casesgetGet alert detailsget https://api.us-west.exabeam.cloud/threat-center/v1/alerts/{alertId}Get details for a specific alert, as identified by an alert ID.